

This organization shall re known as the Greater Toronto Area Philatelic Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the Alliance)


The geographical area of the Alliance primarily comprises the City of Toronto and the Regional Municipalities of Halton, Peel, York and Durham. (hereinafter referred to as the GTA)


The purpose of the Alliance shall be to:

  1.  affiliate, but not replace, all member Clubs in the GTA,
  2.  promote stamp collecting and recruit prospective collectors to the hobby,
  3.  share the vast amount of knowledge and expertise available within the member Clubs,
  4.  enhance the art of philately,
  5.  share resources for mutual benefit,
  6.  coordinate and or host philatelic exhibitions and other activities, and
  7.  operate in an harmonious, respectful and constructive environment to achieve set goals.


Section I -Types of Membership

There shall be three types of membership: Charter Member, Active Member and Associate Member.

a) Charter Member -Those Clubs present at the meeting when this Constitution (original) was adopted.

b) Active Member -Active membership shall be available to any philatelic Club operating in the GTA.

c) Associate Member -Associate membership may be granted by the Board. Charter and Active members shall re deemed as Member Clubs.

Section 2 – Dues

Annual dues shall re determined by the Board at the Iast meeting of each fiscal year. In order to participate in the Alliance, member Clubs shall have paid the annual dues.


The Board shall be comprised of two representatives from each member Club

Section I – Eligibility

Any representative in good standing of the member Clubs shall be eligible to hold any office or to serve on any committee.

Section 2 – The Executive

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the operation and management of the Alliance. Its activities include, but are not limited to, the specific duties and authority vested in this Constitution.

The Executive of the Alliance shall be: Past President, President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer.

(See Amendment with Article 7 – Elections, Section 2)

Section 3 – Directors

In addition to the Executive, the remaining representatives shall be Directors.


Section I – Meetings

Meetings of the Alliance shall be held regularly with time and place to be determined by the Board. There shall be a minimum of six meetings per year.

Section 2 – Quorum

A quorum for the transaction of the Alliance’s business shall be one half of the Directors and must include the President or the Vice-president.

Section 3 – General Meeting

The quorum of the General Meeting shall be two-thirds of the Directors.

Amendment Constitution 2021-2:  An annual General Meeting shall be held in January to receive reports from the Executive as required and to elect the Executive. 


Section 1 – Term

The Executive Officers shall be elected from the Board for a two-year term with the election held bi-annually at the General Meeting.

Amendment Constitution 2021-3: Officers to begin their terms in January following the General Meeting.

Section 2 – Past President

The Past President shall be a member of the Executive and his/her primary role shall be that of an advisor to the Alliance. The Past President shall also act as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

Amendment Constitution 2015-2: The past President shall server until a new President is elected.

Section 3 – President

The President shall serve as the chairperson of the Board; shall preside at all meetings of the Alliance: shall appoint all committees with the approval of the Board.

Section 4 — Vice-President

The Vice-president shall, in the absence of the President, preside at all meetings of the Alliance and shall assume the unexpired term of the President.

Section 5 – Secretary

The secretary shall record and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Alliance; shall prepare the agenda in coordination with the President; shall perform such other duties as the President and/or the Board may prescribe.

Section6 – Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the custody of all securities and funds of the Alliance; shall report on the financial situation and present a complete annual Financial Report at the General Meeting, and shall prepare and submit a Budget for the upcoming year.

Section 7 – Directors

Each Director shall serve as a voting member of the Board with other such duties as the Board may prescribe.


Section 1 — Fiscal Year

Amendment Constitution 2021-1: The Alliance shall operate on a fiscal year basis. It shall commence on the first day of January and shall terminate on the last day of December.

Section 2 — Business

All business of the Board shall be passed by a simple majority of the Directors in attendance.


Section 1 — Newsletter

Amendment Constitution 2015-3: The Alliance shall have an official publication named the PhilaJournal.

Section 2 — Editor

Upon nomination by the Executive, the President shall, with The approval of the Board, appoint the editor of the Newsletter.


Section 1 – Method

Proposals to amend the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Secretary sixty days prior to the General Meeting. The amendment(s) requires a two-thirds affirmative votes of the Directors.

Section 2 — Review

The Constitution must be reviewed every five (5) years.

Section 3 — Adoption

This Constitution was endorsed for adoption at the Board Meeting dated 22 May 2002.


The By-Laws shall be itemized in a separate document. The Board shall be empowered to enact the By-Laws.


(The original Constitution, now in the GTAPA History File, had the following signatures from these Club Representatives):

Ajax Philatelic Society — Richard Weigand
Ajax Philatelic Society — Roy Haina
East Toronto Stamp Club — Dorothy Attwells
East Toronto Stamp Club — Elaine Skinner
North Toronto Stamp Club — Doug Irwin
North Toronto Stamp Club — Ernie Nyitrai
North York Philatelic Society — Joe Malloeuf
North York Philatelic Society — Art Bone
Scarborough Stamp Club — Peter Butler
Scarborough Stamp Club — Jim Carleton
West Toronto Stamp Club — Frank Alusio
West Toronto Stamp Club — Garfield Portch

GTAPA Handbook

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